
Activity 14: Coping with change

Activity 14 is defined in regulations as - 

Coping with change.

Activity 14 assesses the ability to cope with changes in normal routine whether permanent or not. A descriptor may be satisfied where small changes result in the individual's day to day life being made significantly more difficult, or so it cannot be managed.


The descriptors that relate to Activity 14 are - 

  1. Cannot cope with any change to the extent that day to day life cannot be managed. 15 points
  2. Cannot cope with minor planned change (such as a pre-arranged change to the routine time scheduled for a lunch break), to the extent that, overall, day to day life is made significantly more difficult. 9 points
  3. Cannot cope with minor unplanned change (such as the timing of an appointment on the day it is due to occur), to the extent that, overall, day to day life is made significantly more difficult. 6 points
  4. None of the above applies. 0 points


See also section 3.5.5 of the DWP’s Work Capability Assessment handbook: for healthcare professionals.

Case law

The meaning of 'cope' has been considered in a number of cases including [2013] UKUT 405 (AAC) in which Judge Ward interprets it to mean 'to manage, deal (competently) with a situation or problem'. The judge adds that needing help from another person, or signs of stress reactions, may be indicators of a failure to cope. | Add commentary or suggest an edit.