
Activity 17: Appropriateness of behaviour

Activity 17 is defined in regulations as - 

Appropriateness of behaviour with other people, due to cognitive impairment or mental disorder.

Activity 17 assesses the ability of a person to control their behaviour in an average workplace setting. A descriptor may be satisfied where there are difficulties with social behaviour which are the effects of episodic relapsing conditions such as psychotic illness, as well as conditions such as autism which may result in consistently abnormal behaviour


The descriptors that relate to Activity 17 are - 

  1. Has, on a daily basis, uncontrollable episodes of aggressive or disinhibited behaviour that would be unreasonable in any workplace. 15 points
  2. Frequently has uncontrollable episodes of aggressive or disinhibited behaviour that would be unreasonable in any workplace. 15 points
  3. Occasionally has uncontrollable episodes of aggressive or disinhibited behaviour that would be unreasonable in any workplace. 9 points
  4. None of the above applies. 0 points


See also section 3.5.8 of the DWP’s Work Capability Assessment handbook: for healthcare professionals.

Case law

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